ElectriFI at Togo-EU Economic Forum and Ghana-EU Business Forum

On 12-14 June, ElectriFI presented its financing solutions for sustainable energy in Togo and Ghana.
Invited by the European Commission, ElectriFI contributed to high-level networking events in Togo and Ghana, gathering policy-makers, public and private sectors, trade support institutions, development partners and civil society. Thanks to numerous platforms to mobilise higher levels of private investment in the energy sector, ElectriFI representative had the opportuynity to share experiences and explore sustainable business relations. Both events were designed to facilitate networking between entrepreneurs, investors and policy-makers.
First Togo-EU Economic Forum – ‘Le Rendez-vous des opportunites’
During two days in Lomé, some 400 participants explored investment and partnership opportunities between Togo and the European Union.
On 12 June in Lomé, ElectriFI presented its offering and special features for impact investment in off-grid solutions and mini-grids during Atelier Off-Grid B2B, co-organised by Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE), the EU Delegation to Togo (DUE), the German Cooperation in Togo (represented by GIZ) et the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Togo. Some 150 participants attended the session and interactively engaged in the Q&A sessions following several presentations related to the current state of the off-grid and mini-grid market in Togo as well as financing solutions including EDFI ElectriFI Facility.
On the following day, Yves Ehlert, EDFI Senior Programme Manager, participated in the session discussing Access to Finance and Credit (together with other panelists including: M. Sani YAYA, Ministre de l’Economie et des Finances, M. Edoh Kossi AMENOUNVE, Directeur Général, Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières – BRVM, M. Sampawende Jules Armand TAPSOBA , Représentant Résident du FMI au Togo, M. Oumar TEMBELY , Directeur Département des Operations de la Banque ouest africaine de développement – BOAD, M. Alberto SAVINI, Chargé des opérations principales et responsable des opérations du secteur public au Togo (Banque Européenne d’Investissement), M. Simon EISCHEN, Associé Scalene Partners). Yves presented the financing activities of EDFI in Togo and in Africa more broadly. He also explained special EDFI impact financing programs such as ElectriFI and EFSD guarantee programs under the EIP including the joint EDFI access to Finance for MSMEs initiative and FMO’s project NASIRA.
First Ghana-EU Business Forum
Also organised in close collaboration between the Ministry of Finance and the EU Delegation, the Forum aimed to link entrepreneurs and financiers in order to incentivise innovative financing solutions for sustainable jobs creation in Ghana.
Together with another EU-funded impact investment facility managed by EDFI Management Company – AgriFI – ElectriFI made a joint presentation followed by an interactive session with companies active in sustainable energy and/or sustainable agriculture, for them to better understand EDFI facilities offering and criteria.
In the presence of Jyrki Katainen, Vice-President of the European Commission, the Forum led to interesting B2B exchanges with promising companies.
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